• Art,  Canon Powershot G12,  leaves

    More Signs of Natures Artwork


    Outside my hotel in Nashville is a winding two lane road that leads back to the interstate. On one side of the road is a densely wooded area with a small stream meandering through it. While on the opposite side of this road are a couple of hotels and the noisy interstate. Guess which side of the road I like to walk on. I walk the wooded side where there is no sidewalk and the trees provide shade and the much needed soothing sounds for my soul. If we walk slowly along these areas where nature is alive we have the chance to see its exquisite works of art through its composition, lines and curves, textures, light, color, tone, and creativity. As a photographer I’ve attempted to present what I saw and experienced when I got up close and down on my old knees to experience Natures art. If anyone has read John Muir’s writing you will find that he also got down on his knees to see this incredible world of nature we live in.

    Nature photographer, Guy Tal, has an interesting post on the need to understand  art in order to be an artist. We need to be students of art and what greater teacher than Nature.