• insects

    Making Eye Contact

    Making Eye Contact

    I’m not a fan of spiders even though I know they have a necessary place in our ecosystem. They help manage insect populations by eating lots of insects that cause harm to agriculture and insects that bother humans, such as mosquitos. They also supply food for birds, lizards, wasps and other animals. I don’t stomp on ’em like I have in the past but I do give them space because there is a venom in those bites. The junipers along the sidewalk leading to my front door have a few spiderwebs which usually means there’s spiders. So, I peaked and sure enough there were spiders. So, I grabbed the tripod and a macro and got down close. We were sure making eye contact when I took this image. I’m still not a fan of them and was wishing I had a longer macro. 🙂