• Cityscapes/Urban,  coffee shops,  lifestyles,  quotes,  trees,  winter scenes

    A Little Snow and Cold

    Morning mocha with my journal and fountain pen.
    Morning mocha with my journal and fountain pen.

    “If I want to convince someone, I listen attentively first. Even if I am right, he won’t be convinced until he feels heard and respected.” Haemin Sunim

    It is snowing, a light powdery snowfall. I like the quiet a snowfall brings. We have a couple inches right now but could see a total of 4 inches. Some brave soul had been riding their bicycle this morning as the only tracks on the sidewalk were their tire tracks. Snowplows are out. I find it interesting how the city of Fort Collins has small snowplows they use to clean the bike lanes. And, needless to say, it’s pretty quiet in the coffeehouse. 

    CSU Campus
    CSU Campus