• flowers,  Plants,  poems

    A Beautiful Spring Day

    inspired by a beautiful spring day
    I caught the Max to campus

    with an iced chai, I found a spot surrounded
    by the quiet of the campus courtyard

    soaking in the silence, I began listening
    and writing words in my journal

    abruptly, the quiet became chaos
    as students poured out of classrooms

    now surrounded by every size, shape, color
    of student and backpack imaginable

    conversations exploded everywhere,
    gossip, tales from last night and laughter.

    then gently, peace and quiet returned
    as everyone moved on to their next period.

    and in this quiet I wondered,
    how many saw the daffodils?

  • animals,  coffee life,  flowers,  shadows

    My Commute

    I am not sure how many days I commuted to and from work but I am grateful I no longer commute to work. However, this morning on my walk/bus ride to the coffee shop I was aware I still commute, yet it does not seem like a commute. While commuting to work, my mind was already at work, figuring, planning, scheduling, arguing, and already building resentments. This meant I was not mentally present for the commute. Wonder how many gifts nature was offering me and I missed them?

    So I’m going to share with you a bit of my commute to coffee this morning. (Sorry if it bores you.) We had a cloudless blue sky. Apple blossoms reminding me it’s spring. A squirrel watching my every move. A cottontail checking out their reflection in the car. Early morning shadows. Spring flowers and new leaves on campus. Heard the cooing of a morning dove and the cry of a hawk. And then when I arrived at Mugs my barista, Emma, offered her wonderful smile and made me a mocha. Yes, I still commute but it’s different. I have an open slate on my calendar, so I plan to do a bit of reading and writing, in the sun. Enjoy your Friday.

  • architecture,  Documentary/Street

    The Legacy Lounge

    I made a return visit to campus the other day. I’d forgotten how serene it can be at the Lory Student Center (while students are in class.) This image was taken while sitting in the Legacy Lounge just outside the Ballroom Doors. With no piped music, it is a good place to journal or read. Hope you’ve had a good Sunday. It’s been beautiful here.

  • Plants,  shadows,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

    The Oval’s Shadows

    Shadows at the CSU Oval

    A bit warmer this morning at 14 degrees but still cold enough. Blue skies and sunshine predicted for today and maybe 43 degrees. Made my way to Mugs for an Old Town Moch made by the lovely Emma. Always a good start to my day. As I left the coffee shop I noticed the shadows stretching across the CSU Oval and felt compelled to pull into the parking area for a quick photo. The trees encircling the Oval and lining the inner sidewalks are all American elms. Many of the trees date from the 1880s and 1920s. There are 99 elms circling the Oval and lining its walkways. Some of the trees are 80 to 90 feet high, with roots that are one-and-a-half times their height. Many of the large elm trees that circle Oval Drive were planted in 1922, as 1-inch saplings, and until 1924, the center Oval was an alfalfa and grain field. In 1925, a grass lawn was planted. It was interesting to research the history of the trees and the oval this morning. I now have a bit more connection to them and those early morning shadows they offer. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunrises

    The bumps are less dramatic…

    If we lived close to nature in an agricultural society, the seasons as metaphor and fact would continually frame our lives. But the master metaphor of our era does not come from agriculture – it comes from manufacturing. We do not believe that we ‘grow’ our lives – we believe that we ‘make’ them. Just listen to how we use the word in everyday speech: we make time, make friends, make meaning, make money, make a living, make love.

    Parker J. Palmer

    On my way to the coffee shop I just had to stop at campus and accept this image of the morning’s sunrise. It was a deep red minutes prior to taking this image. It is a much warmer day for us here in Colorado. The kind of day to be expected because it is the season of winter.

    I’ve read this quote before and agree that many in our culture no longer see themselves as growing into our lives but think we make our lives. I’m one of those. I tried to make my life happy but discovered the daily struggle to control my life and those around me wasn’t working. I’m finding it much more enjoyable to face life for what it is, gradually gaining in wisdom what I can change and what I can’t. My prayer is to continually grow in the discovery of who I am becoming. Part of growing in life is growing older, which includes all the positive stuff and the negative stuff. And, it seems when I stop trying to make my life into my wishes, I have more choices in growing into my life. The bumps are less dramatic and chaotic. Stay warm and dry!

  • coffee life,  landscape,  latte art,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    There for a reason…

    “There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.”

    Paulo Coelho

    It is cold and the wind continues to blow this morning. Made my way to Pineridge Natural Area for the predawn colors. I watched as the wind scattered the ever changing clouds across the canvas sky. I felt within the sense of drama in nature as she constantly reshaped the clouds according to the wind’s whims. I’m now enjoying my mocha latte at Starry Night then will meet Mark for breakfast as he and I continue our fantasy quest of solving the world’s troubles. I say that with tongue-in-cheek as he and I realize changing the world always starts with ourselves. I feel I am finding that facing and overcoming troubles is much more of an adventure than just an unwanted task. In my past I had the tendency to run from them. Now there is more of a desire to learn from the lessons. Just facing them is a lesson. May you have a wonderful day, overcoming any and all problems while learning life’s lessons! Stay warm!

    Hannah’s latte art – Showing off again
  • frost,  leaves

    A Cold Blanket of White Frost

    I took these images after leaving the coffee shop and heading to the transit center to catch the bus home yesterday. The sun was warming things up and much of the cold white blanket of frost was melting away. But not to worry because there is the promise of its return. I loved the patterns of the sunlight and shadows at the CSU Oval and felt the calling to walk among them. I soaked up the warm sunshine as I stood in it’s rays then felt the coolness when I stepped into the shadows. So shadows seemed to be the theme but there is always the need to post a few images of the white ice crystals clinging to those fallen leaves. You can click on the images below to see a larger image and slideshow.

    This morning is crisp with no frost and a magnificent cloudless sky. My drive to meet Eric for coffee was directly into that bright sun. So I’ve done a bit of squinting. Have a wonderful weekend!