• clouds,  quotes,  trees

    Enjoy the Surprises

    A touch of soft pastel pink clouds outside the coffee shop

    We humans can easily lose our perspective on our humble place in the universe. We get locked up in our heads, prisoners of our limited ideas and thoughts, cutting ourselves off from the wider world of experience. We forget or are simply unaware that we are part of an immense cosmic history that continues to stretch into a vast unknown future.

    Ilia Delio

    I cringe when I hear anyone claim they know how a situation will turn out, how people will react, or the course nature will take. Even when challenged about their assumptions, they will say yes they know. Way too much ego for me and a total turnoff. I admit we can make pretty accurate assumptions based on past evidence and experiences but we cannot predict the future. Just ask any weather forecaster. So, I try to live life with the awareness that I don’t know all that my ego would like me to think I think I know, or believe all my assumptions and opinions. And, in truth those assumptions and opinions are evolving over time. When I remain in a place of humility, accepting my limited ideas and thoughts as just that, I am open to the wider experiences life offers. Then, I’m in a place to watch as the day unfolds and enjoy the surprises, like soft pastel pink clouds outside the coffee shop! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  • quotes,  shadows,  street photography

    A Look at Shadows

    “The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.”

    Carl Jung

    The sun shines brightly this morning casting shadows all around me. I watch the tree’s shadows stretching across the street outside the window of the coffee shop. Shadows fall upon these pages as I journal. And, on the wall next to me I see my ever present shadow. Quite handsome I must say. And, as with many photographers, shadows are a subject of interest for me. I share many images of shadows on this blog.

    Additionally in my practice of self-examination along with prayer and meditation I’ve come to know those dark aspects of my personality as present and real, what Jung is referring to as our shadow side. Discovering the dark aspects of my shadow side reminds me of the enjoyable task of learning more about myself and eliminating or reducing those that are negative and harmful. I’m grateful for shadows as a subject to photograph but also because they remind me there is yet more to know about myself. Time to post this as the setting sun is casting long shadows across my front yard. The end of another day.

  • grass,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes

    Praying for peace and forgiveness…

    Smooth waters on the Poudre River

    It takes courage to forgive someone who has wronged us. Because we are often so caught up in our egos that forgiving seems like losing an egoistic battle. But sometimes we have to take the high road with forgiveness, both for the other person and for our own wellbeing. Sure wish more egos were right sized and forgiveness more acceptable.

  • quotes,  spirituality

    Being Present on the Path


    On the Path

    “We may have entered the spiritual path. But nothing will change inwardly unless we change the tendency to cherish and protect ego. Outwardly, we may seem to be a more spiritual person intent on a genuine spiritual path. But if we want our path to feel safe and secure, everything will stay the same.” It’s Up to You page 72 by Dzigar Kongtrul

    I did a bit of photoshop to this image something I do very little of.