• animals

    Oh, to be a squirrel

    Making Ete Contact
    Making Eye Contact

    Outside my condo is a squirrels nest located in the upper branches of a tree. I enjoy observing their daily life. At times I wonder what it would be like to be one of them. As aging causes me to slow down with aches, pops and cracks I’m envious of their enormous energy. They scurry everywhere, always on the alert for danger but living life to the fullest. Their day seems to be full of searching for food, chasing each other in a game of tag or claiming territory and chattering. Their beautiful fluffy tail that makes them cute and  is also works as a warm blanket for colder weather. They twitch those tails when they are scared, mad, uneasy, a predator is in the area and/or a way to leave their scent from their glands to other squirrels. The twitching of their tail is a way for them to get the message to the other squirrels that danger is around. It is my warning to keep my distance.

    They are not worried about mortgage payments, unnecessary wars, or what’s happening on facebook. After a busy day and the sun falls below the horizon they climb up to their nests made of twigs and leaves and curl up for the night. I imagine sleep comes quickly as nature rocks them to sleep. Yep, life is about living it a day at a time.