• lifestyles

    I Show Up

    Office View

    In a conversation with a fellow flight attendant, Rhonda, she told me how much she enjoys her work. And, it shows through her works ethics, how she interacts with passengers and, most importantly, she is someone I want beside me if the stuff ever hits the fan. Working as a flight attendant fits her. It offers her something that tugs at her heart and keeps her coming to work. I can relate to all of that as a photographer. I’ve often asked myself why I spend time seeing the world through a cameras viewfinder then post processing those images. To some that’s a waste of time, yet to a photographer something tugs at our hearts and holds us as willing captive tin it’s grip.

    I’ve been at this flight attendant work for almost 4 years. I seldom share why I show up at the gate at 4:45 in the morning when it’s 20 degrees outside and then present a safety demonstration to passengers who would rather I shut-up and let them sleep. (Now that’s grumpy, Earl!) Well, I do it because of the people. It doesn’t matter their age, gender, color, culture, status or if their grumpy. They are people wanting to safely get from here to there and placing their trust in us. So, I show up.

    Another reason I do it is because of the views. As my conversation with Rhonda continued along I heard myself tell her how I moved from working in a cubicle to working in a tubicle. And, oh how that view changed dramatically. n all honesty the cubicle had no view while flying has breathtaking views that change constantly. I don’t always get a chance to check out the views but every once in a while I can take a quick peek out the window and let out a long “Aaahhh” along with those passengers (who are awake). The above image is an example and was taken with my iphone. So, the views are another reason I show up.

    I want to make sure you understand that I do not do this work for the money. I repeat I do not do this work for the money. The simple reason for that is because there isn’t any to be made. But, I show up anyway because of the above reasons and few others that I won’t bore you with now.

  • Photography,  Transportation

    The Office View

    The Office View

    As I write this post it is almost 11:00 pm Sunday evening and I’m in my hotel room. Another day of flying is done and a long day at that. I’ve come to enjoy these times when I can relax and reflect back over the day. I smile when I think about the two little children sitting in row 12 who are excited because they are flying for the first time and heading for good times with grandma. I imagine grandma is excited too. I will pray for the middle aged man who struggled to smile because his dad is not expected to live and Hospice suggested the family call him. I also enjoyed reconnecting with a couple who were on one of my flights 3 days ago and are now heading home. And when the opportunity presents itself and I can peek out the window, the view from my office is so much nicer than the 8×8 cell I use to work in. The added bonus to the day was arriving at the hotel and finding a chocolate chip cookie with my name on it. 🙂 Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Goodnight.