• flowers,  Plants

    Thank you

    Red Bird of Paradise

    A quick update on my mother. They began morphine yesterday. She sleeps almost constantly and is so weak. It’s been 3 weeks since she stopped eating and drinking except for jello and sips of water. We have all said our goodbyes with her and she has said goodbye to us. She wants to go. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

  • Avian,  Blossoms,  Cactus,  flowers,  Plants

    My Walk to Coffee

    Red Bird of Paradise
    Red Bird of Paradise

    Its about a half mile walk from the house to the little cafe at the recreation center where I can sit among fountains in cushioned chairs, sip on a mocha and write. Here are three from the walk.

    Yellow Blossom on a Prickly Pear Cactus
    Yellow Blossom on a Prickly Pear Cactus

    Great Blue Heron
    Great Blue Heron