• animals,  coffee life,  flowers,  shadows

    My Commute

    I am not sure how many days I commuted to and from work but I am grateful I no longer commute to work. However, this morning on my walk/bus ride to the coffee shop I was aware I still commute, yet it does not seem like a commute. While commuting to work, my mind was already at work, figuring, planning, scheduling, arguing, and already building resentments. This meant I was not mentally present for the commute. Wonder how many gifts nature was offering me and I missed them?

    So I’m going to share with you a bit of my commute to coffee this morning. (Sorry if it bores you.) We had a cloudless blue sky. Apple blossoms reminding me it’s spring. A squirrel watching my every move. A cottontail checking out their reflection in the car. Early morning shadows. Spring flowers and new leaves on campus. Heard the cooing of a morning dove and the cry of a hawk. And then when I arrived at Mugs my barista, Emma, offered her wonderful smile and made me a mocha. Yes, I still commute but it’s different. I have an open slate on my calendar, so I plan to do a bit of reading and writing, in the sun. Enjoy your Friday.

  • animals,  quotes

    We Are Never Alone

    I come here to listen, to nestle in the curve of the roots in a soft hollow of pine needles, to lean my bones against the column of white pine, to turn off the voice in my head until I can hear the voices outside it: the shhh of wind in needles, water trickling over rock, nuthatch tapping, chipmunks digging, beechnut falling, mosquito in my ear, and something more—something that is not me, for which we have no language, the wordless being of others in which we are never alone.

    Robin Wall-Kimmerer

    I find it interesting that squirrels usually make sure there is a tree between them and me. For some reason last week there seemed to be a bit more courage, a willingness to take more risk, for this squirrel. Then again it just could be they’re a photogenic squirrel wanting their photo taken. We didn’t talk but some connection was taking place. Yes, we are never alone. We awoke to a dusting of snow, overcast skies and cold. Now at the coffee shop and no appointments. Stay warm.

  • animals

    Morning Greeter

    Seems this squirrel is greeting me at Mugs Coffee shop about 80% of the time. They usually are among some shrubs on my right then scamper across the sidewalk in front of me and shimmy up the same tree. So, I’ve started walking into the coffee shop with camera in hand hoping to get a photo. This morning was the first time I was able to get them to pose long enough to get a decent image. Happy Sunday! 😁

  • animals

    Watching Closely

    Watching Closely
    Watching Closely

    As I arrive at Mugs coffee house there are about six large trees along the sidewalk. Some of the college students who live along here will put food out for the squirrels. I have seen as many as 4 and 5 chasing each other around the trees making it fun to watch. Needless to say they are more than comfortable with humans and will come quite close. This one paused long enough to make sure I kept my distance and did not cross the line they had drawn.

  • animals

    Oh, to be a squirrel

    Making Ete Contact
    Making Eye Contact

    Outside my condo is a squirrels nest located in the upper branches of a tree. I enjoy observing their daily life. At times I wonder what it would be like to be one of them. As aging causes me to slow down with aches, pops and cracks I’m envious of their enormous energy. They scurry everywhere, always on the alert for danger but living life to the fullest. Their day seems to be full of searching for food, chasing each other in a game of tag or claiming territory and chattering. Their beautiful fluffy tail that makes them cute and  is also works as a warm blanket for colder weather. They twitch those tails when they are scared, mad, uneasy, a predator is in the area and/or a way to leave their scent from their glands to other squirrels. The twitching of their tail is a way for them to get the message to the other squirrels that danger is around. It is my warning to keep my distance.

    They are not worried about mortgage payments, unnecessary wars, or what’s happening on facebook. After a busy day and the sun falls below the horizon they climb up to their nests made of twigs and leaves and curl up for the night. I imagine sleep comes quickly as nature rocks them to sleep. Yep, life is about living it a day at a time.