• Plants,  trees

    The Little Tree

    The Little Tree

    I spend way too much time on the computer. I wonder if I’m a blog addict ( notice the quiver in my voice). I think it all started when I joined a small community of photographers sharing their images on a site called pBase. I enjoyed seeing others images and enjoyed the feedback on my images. Loved those at-a-boys. I then started buying more equipment, spent more time in the field and making great plans for a career as a pro, bringing in the big bucks. I joined a couple more photo websites. Next came the world of blogging and the spiral began increasing. I started spending more time on the computer in my attempt to be a better photographer. That was all good but I could easily get lost in my computer, leave the present world of real relationships, working on projects, eating and sleeping. It is amazing how deep and dark that hole of cyber-space is. Two to three hours later I would find my way out, shaken, dazed and confused. The tea pot had boiled dry, the sun had gone down and I’d missed meeting up with Patricia. Could be why I’m still single. Anyway, here’s the little tree I’ve discovered.

  • clouds,  landscape

    What a Gift

    Nature's Gifts

    The morning this image was made I woke up late. The sun was shining through my window. I took a shower and dressed ready to start the day. I walked into the living room and noticed the sky was now cloudy and large snow flakes were falling. Making sure my windows were not dirty, I went back to the bedroom window and saw the same thing. I knew I shouldn’t have washed the car! Anyway, by noon the clouds broke and the light was magical. Grabbing the tripod I headed east to see natures art and get away from the city. What a gift it is!

    As a side note: we’re getting a nice dose of winter this morning. It started snowing late last night and is expected to continue into tonight and tomorrow. Forecasting 5-10 inches along the front range. They cancelled my first flight this morning and now report this afternoon. It’s a morning for a cup of hot chocolate, another gift. Stay warm!

  • architecture,  Canon Powershot G12,  window

    The Window

    The Window

    I enjoy traveling and recording far-away places and people with my camera. But I also find it wonderfully rewarding to see what I can discover outside my own window. You only need to study the scene with the eyes of a photographer. – Alfred Eisenstaedt

    While visiting my parents a couple of weeks ago, we stopped by a friend of theirs to see a massive garage he was having built. I roamed around his home with my camera and did some scene studying. It feels to me that changing this to sepia tone also changes the tone of the story in image.

  • architecture,  landscape,  sunsets

    Bridge at Sunset

    Bridge at Sunset

    Earls post about the crossings cause me to remember this image I took back in December. It was taken out the window of my hotel in Alexandria, Virginia. I was drawn to the light and patterns. I like how other photographers, or events, can inspire us with ideas or in this case, trigger a memory. I had worked on the image but was not pleased with it so I did not post it until now. Thanks, Earl!