• architecture,  Cityscapes/Urban,  Documentary/Street,  musings,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Give’em a Smile

    The path on campus
    The path on campus

    “In order to move forward, you will have to stumble along the way, but every falter in your stride just makes your next step even stronger.” ― Lindsay Chamberlin

    I stumbled on one of my walks this past week. Of ocurse the first thing I did was check to see who saw me. Luckily, there were no witnesses. I then looked down to see what I’d tripped over but there was nothing. I literally stumbled over nothing. I just failed to properly place one foot in front of the other as I walked. And, no, I was not looking at my phone but my mind had fluttered off somewhere. I had moved away from being mindful and present to my walk. Nor, can I tell you where it fluttered. Happens more often than I want to admit.

    Stumbling can unexpectedly bring us new discoveries, excitement, joys and lessons. And, sometimes stumbling can unexpectedly bring pain, sadness, regret and lessons. But, when we stumble and fall, it’s vital to get back up and dust off the pants, check for witnesses, take note of the reason we stumbled and hopefully learn from any lessons. Stumbling and falling are lessons.

    Anyway, if the next time you stumble and there is a witness, give’em a smile and tell them you intended to do that. 🙂


  • Bench,  journal,  writing/reading

    Experience Such a World

    A Bench with Light
    A Bench with Light

    “Each moment is an opportunity to create. We can see this in each sunrise, sunset, flower, rainbow, snowflake, as they are a series of creative moments. We are all gifted to create. We can create new views of and for the world. Why do we waste our creative moments? Is it fear of our creation to be flawed or rejected by others and ourselves? Yet, our art is not intended to be perfection but a chance to offer a gift. And, what about sloth? Sloth is another reason and closely related to fear. Sometimes it is easier to daydream and fantasize in our safe little world than spend the time and effort at creativity. What would the world be like if we all overcame our fears? What would it be to experience such a world?” An excerpt from my journal 1/13/2015

  • Camera Equipment,  Fujifilm X-T10,  journal


    The X-T10 with 27mm f2.8 lens and my journal.
    The X-T10 with 27mm f2.8 lens and my journal.

    This is pretty much all I carry with me in my backpack, anymore. One camera, one lens. My journal and pen. Kindle paperwhite. A light jacket. Sometimes I throw in a small “10” Chromebook. The kitchen sink. And, I don’t usually carry this much cash with me, either. 🙂


  • fall season,  leaves,  Plants,  seasons

    Autumn Colors

    Autumn Colors
    Autumn Colors

    On my walk for coffee I stooped down on my knees to shoot this image but I ended up just staying there as I studied the patterns and colors nature was creating. While I watched the wind would rustle and move the leaves changing the pattern. The light changed as clouds moved above, casting a different light. The scene also changed as more leaves would fall and add to the scene. I was only there for a few minutes but it helped kick start my day.

  • quotes,  sunrises

    Don’t go back to sleep

    Sunrise on the Farm“The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you, don’t go back to sleep.” Rumi

    Rumi is not talking about rolling over and going back to sleep but about falling asleep to life. We can sleep through life by spending time in front of television, time on the computer, alcohol and drugs, overeating, gambling, etc. There is no need to make a list. We all can make our own list, as we are all susceptible to falling asleep. There are many tools and practices to help us with staying awake: mindfulness, meditation, contemplation, our breathing, prayer words, yoga, tai chi, daily walks. I’ve come to experience the practice of meditation and contemplation, helps me to stay awake to life. As Christine Valters Paintner says, “Most meditation practices are, at heart, about staying awake to life, being fully present to our experiences, and becoming aware of our own preconceived ideas and expectations that obscure our vision.”

    Photography is another practice that keeps me from falling asleep to life. It’s taken me a few years to understand its impact in helping me stay present. I seldom take a walk without a camera around my neck which is combining more than one practice. When taking each walk my intent is to repeat a prayer word in rhythm with my breathes and steps, while the eyes of the heart and soul stay awake to what life is presenting. No preconceptions, just looking for secrets Rumi suggests we can find.