
I’ll Be Back

Morning Starburst

The city has worked on the Red Fox Meadows Nature area over the past 3-5 years. I just happened to be near the area and noticed the added improvements and turned car around to check it out. They have improved the walking path from the muddy trails to pea size gravel, added some fencing and signs in the restoration areas and a bathroom. I was impressed. I was also impressed with the sun as it rose above the trees to start it’s task of warming up the day. And, this park is only three blocks away. I’ll be back!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    It’s always a luxury as a photographer to have natural areas close by isn’t it? I like to hear of these natural areas being cared for and improved.

    A nice moment captured in this photo.

    • Monte Stevens

      The city of Fort Collins has done a good job. That was one of the features I enjoyed when I lived out in Columbus, their Metro Parks. Those parks were havens for so many birds and plants. I’d sometimes just go there and sit, see, listen, smell and feel. We need these places as we’re wiping out too much of them.