Badlands National Park,  landscape,  National Parks,  sunrises

Those Expectations

Sunset at the Badlands in 2004

It amazes me I still look for how many comments or visits there are to my images. When I look at stats I am setting expectations and that is not what I want to do. My hope is that my images will say something to me and others, to move me and others. I shoot because I cannot shoot. There is something inside urging me to look for images and every so often being pleased with the results. Darn those expectations. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    First, beautiful photo, Monte.

    The curse and blessing is we’re never satisfied…there’s alway that better photo out there. 🙂

    But, this is certainly not unique to photography. I believe it just the way mankind is wired.

    • Monte Stevens

      So, we’re all wired. Well, that explains it. I am aware that we all do it or have done it. I do not want to evaluate my photos on those stats. I’ve also come to realize some images I like do not seem to draw comments and some I’m not to excited about do draw comments. Thanks, Earl!!!

  • Paul

    Beautiful shot, Monte. I want to visit The Badlands. I hope, sincerely, to be able to make another visit out your way and do Colorado and points north. Then, we can spend some more time and get out the tripods. 😀

  • Mark

    This image brings back some childhood memories of a family trip we took out to the badlands. I am not sure why I haven’t been back there, it is a really interesting place.

    I guess if we were fully satisfied, we would lose some of that desire that keeps drawing us out there.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, the bug keeps asking me to shoot. And, it’s not just for the experience of being there but the challenge to bring back a technically good image. I guess I strive for both, improve my skills as a photographer and my skills as a story teller.

  • Cedric Canard

    Gorgeous scenery. As Mark points out, desires and expectations may well be what drives us. Who knows? In any case I’ve never been disappointed by any of your images. This one has me imagining Mars in the (future) early stage of terra-forming. Talk about your photo moving me, it’s moved me to another planet. Not bad for someone who’s questioning his creative abilities 😉
    Thanks for the ride.