mountains,  sunsets,  trees

Don’t Waste the Moments

Summer Senset

“You’ve got a handful of years to do your work, don’t you dare waste those moments whining instead of creating something amazing.” David Duchemin

Just few words about the above quote. Some statements or quotes will mean nothing while some are essential moments, shaking the sandy foundation we are standing on.

I’ve been passionately pursuing images for the past ten years. Prior to that I shot to record family events such as birthdays, vacations and an occasional flower. Admittedly, at one time I envisioned living a career as a photographer, raking in the money, but let that fall to the wayside as I focused my attention on raising a family and pursuing a career in engineering. I have no regrets there as I needed to be on that path.

I listened to those voices within telling me I was not good enough or worse yet I would never be good enough to make it as a photographer. To me photography as a career was for a select few with talent I did not have. I definitely did not look at photography as a creative outlet for me. And, I do not remember having a positive voice around me to offer support and encouragement. These dreams were kept buried within me, suppressed. The world around me suggested I work for a corporation to make sure I had medical benefits, put in 40 hours a week, put away 10% in a 401k and take my 2-3 weeks vacation each year. I now see photography as a work, my work, a way to express my creativity and has taught me about life, how to see it and be present to it. So, before the final sunset in this life I hope to inspire myself and others to pursue dreams and discover more dreams. We don’t need to wast the moments.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.