Capital Reef National Park,  National Parks

A Quick Post

Icicles on a fence from an irrigation system that had run all night.
Icicles on a fence from an irrigation system that had run all night near Loa, Utah

It’s Tuesday night and ready for bed. I wanted to share a bit about this road trip I just finished. This impulsive idea turned out to be an eleven day adventure. I covered 2,680 miles. I saw the Great Sand Dunes National Park, Mesa Verde National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Capital Reef National Park, Escalante National Monument, Colorado National Monument and a half dozen cool mom and pop coffee shops. I played the tourist rather than a photographer so most photos are more about pressing the shutter. I camped 6 of the 11 nights, spending 3 nights in Phoenix with my parents. I saved money due to my senior status as all the parks were free and the camping sites were half price. Now we can’t even get in. 🙁 A couple of nights were cold as a cold front moved through the area. One morning it was 29 degrees and the next morning it was 25 degrees. The above image was taken the morning it was 25.

Aspens in Dixie National Forest
Aspens in Dixie National Forest at Sunset

The aspens were in all their glorious colors as I passed through the Dixie National Forest on my way to Torrey, Utah and Capital Reef National Park.

Capital Reef National Park
Capital Reef National Park

I want to go back and spend more time in each of them. I found myself emotional several times as I took in the beauty of this Colorado Plateau lands. I loved seeing all those stars at night. I loved the quiet and solitude that surrounds you while you’re there. All of the parks and monuments have hiking trails for day trips or overnight trips. I would like to venture into some of those canyons, to be closer and more intimate.

Bryce Canyon National Park
Some of the trails in Bryce Canyon National Park

If you look closely in the above image you can see some of the self-guided trails that lead down into the canyon. These are what I’m interested in taking in the next time I’m there. I have a lot of catching up to do after being gone for 11 days: blogs to read, respond to comments and laundry.


Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    That sounds like the Epic Monte Stevens Adventure to me, Monte! I can’t wait to make a similar journey myself. Although probably without the camping! 🙂

    Looking forward to seeing more posts and photos!

    • Monte Stevens

      My intent was not with photography although I took a few images. My real motive was to visit them. They profoundly touched me and I think that was my subconscious intent.

  • paul

    You know, I’ve thought many times about doing what you did; however, I’ve never been camping and, honestly, I think that I’d like to stay in a hotel. However, seeing all of those stars and having a chance to actually see The Milky Way, might make a little bit of discomfort worthwhile.

    I think that I’d love to get in my car and just drive to different locations; however, the locations that I want to see are mostly in the southwest, or perhaps fairly far north, like the Dakotas, both of which would ‘require’ flying and then driving. It’s still within the realm of possibility, though. Thanks for sharing your journey.

    • Monte Stevens

      Camping can be a miserable experience unless you have some decent gear or you’re a tough guy. If I’d not had a good tent the first night I would have been soaked after that 2 hour rain. And it is an awesome sight to see all those stars we’ve heard about. Having that bear walk within 20 feet of my tent was a plus on the experience side but not recommended. I only spent one night at each place so I really did not get a chance to see everything I wanted. I did get a feel for them and have a good idea of those I really want to spend more time with.

      I think you would like such an adventure and already have those seeds of dreams planted. It can take a bit of planning or an impulsive moment like mine. Just do it!