
A Beautiful Fall Day

Fall Colors
Fall Colors

It was 25 degrees when I left the house this morning. I had to scrape heavy frost off the car windows. Brrrrr! However, it made my hot chocolate a sweeter treat this morning at Cafe Ole. With the cold morning I noticed the yellow, gold and red leaves were falling like snowflakes. A young lady waiting to cross the street was standing in this falling leaf storm. I expect most trees to to barren of leaves within the next few hours. And, with the sun shinning brightly it makes for a beautiful fall day.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • paul

    Ah, yes, my friend. It sounds like you are heading into winter with the quickness. At least you are getting to enjoy some beautiful yellows and colorful leaf storms. 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, we are. the mountains have been getting snow. It’s really been depressing to fly over them when they are barren of any white stuff. Nature needs it and so do we. I could pass on the 20 degree nights but they come as a package deal.

  • Tom Dills

    It was 54 here this morning and I thought that was cold! I hope we don’t see the 20s any time soon!

    Yellow leaves against a blue sky make for a classic fall photo, that’s for sure! 🙂

      • paul

        NC generally has a lots of reds, too. The maple trees tend to get pretty showy. However, this year, as I can see, will not be a banner year for color. The leaves are just kind of giving up and falling off. 🙂

  • Mark

    Looks like fall may be passing quickly for you Monte. I love backlit leaves like this. I am hoping it hangs on for awhile longer here, our first snow is predicted for this week. We will see what happens.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yep, fall is swiftly moving right along. They have some nice snow in the mountains and loving it up there. The snow is good for the economy of the mountain areas and much needed water supply for the plains in the spring. I’m okay with a bit of winter snowfall which we had this past Thursday evening. Give me those 2 inches of snow and then let it melt by 2:00 pm and warm up to 45-50 degrees. I’m seriously thinking a warmer climate may be in the cards for my full time retirement. 🙂