architecture,  Church

Don’t Stop

Prayer Time
Prayer Time

I saw a sign yesterday posted out in front of a church, it read “If you’ve been praying for snow, please stop.” But, because of our need for moisture in Colorado, I say keep it going. We had about 5-6 inches of snow through the night, that works for me. Anymore than that I’ll be complaining.  The temperatures are not bad at 16 degrees (F). Stay warm for those caught in frigid weather and enjoy this last Friday of January 2014!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    As long as you keep the snow out there, you can have as much as you want, Monte! 😉 I do know what you mean though. Especially in the mountains, a good snowmelt will go a long way towards providing the water you need through the spring.

    • Monte Stevens

      Okay, we’ll keep the snow but I would prefer they keep most of it in the high country. I’ll take a 3-4 inches every once in a while. Enjoy the weekend. Do you guys have another adventure planned?

      • Tom Dills

        I’d take the occasional 3-4 inches here if they knew what to do with it. But in a city/county/state with only a few plows and salt trucks, there isn’t much chance of us ever dealing with more than we had!

        No current adventure plans. The moving process was draining, both physically and financially. So we’re working hard to replenish the reserves and spending our time unpacking & organizing. I’d love to get out of this cold for a week or two, but that may need to wait. We’re looking for ideas and deals, so who knows? We might even end up in Colorado! 🙂

        • Monte Stevens

          Well, more snow is predicted on Tuesday then temperatures around 0 for the following three nights. If you wait till next Monday our high should be above freezing and then you can come on over.