Avian,  Canada Goose

Stay Warm

Canada Geese
Canada Geese

Well it’s still cold this morning and light snow is falling. They keep predicting it will warm up tomorrow. We’ll see. If it gets up to above freezing I’m pretty sure I will see a few people back in shorts. Anyway, here are a couple of facts you may not know about Canada Geese.

In spring and summer, geese concentrate their feeding on grasses and sedges, including skunk cabbage leaves and eelgrass. During fall and winter, they rely more on berries and seeds, including agricultural grains, and seem especially fond of blueberries. They’re very efficient at removing kernels from dry corn cobs. Two subspecies have adapted to urban environments and graze on domesticated grasses year round.

Their feet also keep them warm in the winter. The feet keep the entire goose’s body warm while in the water or tucked up into its feathers. To stay warm, geese will tuck their feet under the down while lying on a frozen pond or snow.  That doesn’t work for me. My feet are the first thing to get cold. Stay warm!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • paul

    LOL. I was thinking that same thing, Monte. If my feet get cold, it’s over buddy! 🙂 Also interesting, to me, is that they mate for life and that every year, between June and August, they become flightless while molting.

    • Monte Stevens

      It was new to me. I’ve always questioned why they would stand on one leg. Now I know that the other leg is nestled under the down to add body warmth. They can also sleep with one eye open and one eye closed. I’m not that gifted.

  • Earl

    Fine photo, Monte. Was this with your D300? I also didn’t know about their feet. I use to be very “warm blooded” — never being cold. Then those dang doctors adjusted my blood pressure way down and now I’m cold all the time! 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, when I saw them all curled up I ran inside and grabbed the D300 and the 70-300m. Fired off a few shots then ran back inside. Felt strange to use the D300 as it’s been a couple of months since I picked it up. What a difference between the two cameras. And, we pay those dang doctors to do that to us. 🙂