Documentary/Street,  seasons

Somewhere Around 45

Soups Cooking
Soups Cooking

I think this is the temperature where I start to feel chilled as we move deeper into the fall season. It’s not a cold but a chill that is deep inside the body.  And, there is a chance it may be rising a degree or two each year I get older. Or, it could just be the beginning of October.

Before you think I’m going on a negative rant know that fall is one of my favorite seasons. I enjoy the changes all around me, the colors and the cooler temperatures. Even the first frost is neat to wake up to, unless I’m camping. Saturday morning was the first time this season for scraping frost off the windshield. It’s a season I like to pull out the fleece pullovers, sweaters, and gloves from the bottom drawer of the dresser. Dust off the slippers. I like the aroma filling my house as I make stew or chili. I like to wrap myself in a blanket in a comfy chair and sip on hot tea or a freshly made latte while I read. I like the walks  and watching leaves make their downward journey as they partake of the circle of life. I like to hear and see the Canada Geese making their seasonal migration. Maybe the chill is because I know the coming weeks will bring even colder temperatures. Stay warm and enjoy the coming week.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    You make a good point, Monte. Your comment about the cold is an observation we share, and I would have to agree that our tolerance for the cold goes down a bit each year. The only negative to fall for me is that it brings winter, and I only say that because around these parts that just means 3 months with brown grass and no leaves. Not that I’d rather have snow, mind you…. 😉

    I like the photo, by the way. A little bit of “outside looking in.”

    • Monte Stevens

      Well, we have more than 3 months of brown grass and no leaves. That is one aspect your part of the country I so enjoyed when visiting, was the green. It was refreshing! But, I must admit there is a beauty in a fresh snowfall in the early mornings. Adn, it’s on those days the soup is the best.

  • Paul

    If your cold tolerance keeps rising, my friend, you’ll have to move to Florida! 🙂 I really like the perspective of this shot, as Tom says, a little bit of outside looking in.

  • Cedric Canard

    Nice capture Monte. I wasn’t keen on Florida when we were there but I did like the Florida Keys. Had a brilliant time in Key West and ended up extending our stay there substantially. Probably wouldn’t want to be there during a hurricane though. I think the answer lies in having 2 or 3 homes in different places. Now, where’s that lottery ticket.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Cedric. I’ve only been there a couple of times, and for short overnights, but the Keys are beautiful. I agree, 2 or 3 homes in various places would be great. I bought a lottery ticket yesterday so I probably start looking for my 2-3 homes now. 🙂