Art,  Art/Design

I’m Out of Here

Voted Best of Show
Voted Best of Show

photocrati gallery

Can’t take the cold anymore. So, my sister and I are boarding a airplane this morning and heading to Phoenix to spend Thanksgiving with our parents, our sister and our favorite brother-in-law. Checking the forecast we see temperatures to be near the 80 degree mark. I can live with that! My sister and I met Sunday morning for coffee and plan our attack. After settling on our plans we headed out to a woodcarvers show. My dad has been carving for the past 20 years and now Sheree has been bitten by the bug. She’s joined a local club who is sponsoring the show. I have seen some nice carving through photographs in my dads magazines but seeing these carvings up close will take your breath away. Here a few images from the show. I’m not taking a laptop nor expecting to be connected to the internet for the next week. Stay warm!


Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul

    Those are some nice carvings. Enjoy Phoenix! I’ll be heading to Northern Ohio were it will be “slightly” less than 80 degrees, but no forecast of snow! Hopefully, it will stay that way!

  • Tom Dills

    I hope you found the warmth you were looking for, Monte. Things are a little on the cool side here, but we head for the Caribbean in a little over a week, so things will likely warm up here when we’re gone. 😉