Candid Portraits


Chaps Girls
Chaps Girls

Back in 2006 I was asked to shoot promotional images for a new lounge starting up in Loveland named Chaps. I was to shoot group and individual images of the girls in their chaps in and around a black limousine and against the brick wall. I had fun doing it. The girls were great and I learned a lot through the experience. They were remodeling the building directly behind them that had been a restaurant in the area for years. The owners had finally decided to move on so these guys were trying to start up this lounge. Not sure what happened, if the they had financial troubles or legal troubles. Anyway the place never did open and I’ve never seen any of the girls since. I sure hope it wasn’t because of my photography. If you didn’t notice they are all wearing chaps. 🙂

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.