Avian,  meadowlark


“You cannot be what nature did not intend you to be, the struggles of life come from trying to be something other than you.”

I love Meadowlarks. I think they are a very pretty bird and their song is wonderful. It is so distinct and resonates with the feeling of being happy and joyful. And, I think they are. It could be they are happy because they are living who they are, a meadowlark, and not trying to be a robin. We can learn from them. It looks like this one is working on building a nest or patching one up.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Mark

    They are one of my favorite birds Monte. I rarely get to see them around my house, but a few parks around town have them as regular visitors. Nice shot of this guy (gal?).

    • Monte Stevens

      I’m not sure the gender either, as theye are very similar. We have a lot of them along the front range which I enjoy. They also dont allow us to get too close. A longer lens would be necessary. I’ve aslo been trying to learn to identify birds by their songs. Not so musically inclined that seems more difficult than I expected.