architecture,  Church

So Much for the Quiet

St. Josephs Catholic Church
St. Josephs Catholic Church

As some of you know I look for places to find a bit of quiet, a physical place with little external noise. I can find these in some churches. This past week in search for quiet I went to a local catholic church. The first thing i notice as I walked in was yhe quiet. I could hear every breath I took. This was what I was looking for. After about 10 minutes of this quiet in walked these five ladies who then proceeded to pray the rosary. So much for the quiet.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul

    Well, Monte. You know that the sound of a rosary or perhaps a chant has meditative effects. Perhaps, had you stayed a bit longer, you would have dropped into a peaceful trance. 🙂

      • Paul

        😀 I’ve started doing some meditative chants myself. It’s quite relaxing, actually. Though I just started with them, I find that I like to do them after I finish walking, while I’m sweating. I cannot even tell you why that is, but it works for me. LOL Maybe it’s a cool down.