grass,  leaves,  Plants


Caught in the Grass
Caught in the Grass

I found this leaf caught in the tall grass along the Fisher Nature Area. It seemed to be suspended in the air so I took a shot. When we take the time to notice each leaf has a specific look. The shape, color, and size are all dependent on how much light, water, nutrients, insects and weather. I walked past this leaf a couple days after taking this image and it was gone. I assume blown away during one of the windy days or disturbed by someone passing by.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      They amaze me. I almost want to know their story, how they came to this place. Where will they go? One aspect ot living in the Ohio Valley for a couple of years was the wider variety of leaves I encountered. Loved them!

      • Mark

        Exactly. I have often imagined a time-lapse being done on a single leaf over time. From its growth on a tree, to changing color, the decent to the ground, then decomposing into soil. I would think it would be very hard to pull off, but fascinating to watch.