flowers,  Plants

Closed for the Night

Closed for the Night
Closed for the Night

Plants that tuck themselves in for bedtime exhibit a natural behavior known as nyctinasty. Scientists know the mechanism behind the phenomenon: In cool air and darkness, the bottom-most petals of certain flowers grow at a faster rate than the upper-most petals, forcing the flowers shut. I’m not sure what this flower is but I encountered a dozen of them along a raised garden on a late evening walk. All of them were closed. I may have to revisit these flowers to observe and learn more about them. Hope everyone has a super awesome weekend!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • "Paul

    Science is interesting, always seeking to know why. Sometimes, I don’t need to know why, I can just appreciate that it does what it does and be fascinated by that.

    • Monte Stevens

      I enjoy knowing and learning the way nature works but for me it can be just as fascinating to watch, not understanding but just watching. Don’t know about you but I’m actually sometimes overwhelmed with too much data.