flowers,  Plants,  quotes,  trees

Palm Trees and Lanatana

Palm Trees
Palm Trees

“If you only photograph when you feel like it… you’ll never be totally successful as a photographer.” Freeman Patterson

Wherever I have traveled the culture, people and plants are an interesting attraction to me. I have seen amazing plants that are not indigenous to Colorado, such as these Palm Trees. Each area is like a textbook for me as I see these beautiful plants and try to find out what they are and a bit of information on them.


Another plant we do not see very often in Colorado is the lantana, a perennial flowering plant in the verbena family. They are used a lot in the housing areas here due to their ability to survive in this arid and hot land. They produce these aromatic flower clusters of red, orange, yellow, or blue with these white florets. They are just beautiful.

Looks like a cold front is moving into the Phoenix area tonight as temperatures are suppose to drop down below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Coats will be coming out for the full-time residents.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Cedric Canard

    Interestingly, here in Queensland, lantana is considered an invasive weed and a lot of money is spent on its eradication. I don’t know if those measures are working though. Still, it does offer a pretty flower.

      • Cedric Canard

        The tropical climate makes it grow fast and thick, choking rainforests and killing many native species. It’s also a danger to stock animals like sheep and cattle as some varieties are poisonous to animals.