Art/Design,  journal,  lifestyles,  musings,  Photography,  writing/reading

My Life and more….

My Essentials
My life: a hat, journal, fountain pen, books, laptop, desk and camera

My role as an observer of an image is much different as I practice and mature with photography. I am grateful I’ve come to see the world with new eyes when I look through the viewfinder of my camera. I contribute this with time, practice and learning to be present to life. Likewise, my role as an observer of another person’s image has changed. There has always been the draw of colors, patterns and especially the light and shadows. But, the story an image expresses is becoming a greater interest within me.

I’m posting this image because it says something about me at this time in my life. It tells a story: it tells you I wear a favorite hat on an almost daily basis, it tells you I have established a routine of writing almost daily basis for many years using a small collection of fountain pens, it tells you I allow the words from sacred texts of many faiths, poets, mystics, and creatives transforms me as a person. And, since I’ve taken the image myself it tells how a camera is always with me and used as a creative tool and inspiration in my life. It says something about my life and more.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul Lester

    It also tells me about those things that are important to you, but then again, your photography has always said that to me. I really like this collection of important items, especially the hat. It looks like a well worn and important friend.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Paul. I feel much more practice is required in my writing skills. But, I also know words will always fall short of expressing thoughts and ideas so that all may understand. You have a good day, my friend.

  • Tom Dills

    I love the stories you tell, both verbal and photographic, as they are always from the heart of a person who is thoughtful about and appreciates the things he sees.

    I’ve always admired the person who can “rock” a hat, and you wear it well. One of the few downsides of being my age with a full head of hair is that I hesitate to “mess it up” with a hat. I just need to get over it, although if I found one as awesome as yours I would probably be able to do just that!

    I’ve enjoyed sharing your journey through 2016 and look forward to more in 2017. Paul too! 😉

    • Monte Stevens

      You are full on compliments and I so appreciate them. I do like where my life is with living it, my health, my relationships, my spiritual path and my photography. I also look forward to seeing what you see in the coming year. Happy New Year, my friend.