Documentary/Street,  lifestyles

Fingernail Art


Their is a nail Salon, Paradise Nails, next door to one of the coffee shops I patronize. In their window are all these plastic hands with a wide variety of shapes, colors and designs of nails customers can choose from. I have seen these hands for a long time and finally stepped inside this past week to ask if I could take a photo of these hands and nails. I’ve never gone in for a couple of reason. First, the smell from the polish and remover is nauseating to me. As I walk by I can see the girls wearing masks due to the fumes. Second, even after all these years, I’m still hesitant to ask. By the way I didn’t find any that I liked.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    It’s probably just as well you couldn’t settle on a style. They might make it a little difficult to hold a pen, let alone type. I hit enough wrong keys with no nails, I can’t imagine how I would type with those! 😉

    • Monte Stevens

      You are so right and I hadn’t thought of that situation. If they were too long it could mess with pressing the shutter button then there’d be real problems.