architecture,  Black and White,  doors,  shadows,  window

Unit 52

Somewhere in the Shadows
Somewhere in the Shadows

We have been warm in Colorado this past week but that looks to be changing the next few days. We are going to see temperatures about 10 degrees cooler and rain/thunderstorms. It is dry here so many are looking forward to any moisture. The predicted rain on Sunday may put a damper on any BBQ plans for Fathers Day. 

Each morning as I leave for one of my coffee shops I’m given this scene of morning shadows. I usually just take a mental image, smile, and go my merry way but I’m sure I take at least one image a week of my neighbors door. 

For the past 25 years I have done a lot of reading. There are times I have three books going at one time, which for my simple mind is probably not the wisest of decisions. I’m finding I struggle with my focus when reading, requiring the paragraph to be reread, sometimes more than once. The thought crosses my mind that I need to put all my books down for awhile. I don’t consider myself an author but then again, these journals are my books, my stories.

“There comes a point in your life when you need to stop reading other people’s books and write your own.” Albert Einstein

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    I love those deep shadows in this image, Monte. I don’t think rereading paragraphs is all that unusual. If it is unusual or indicitive of something wrong then I’ve got what you’ve got! 🙂

    I hope the forecasted rain helps out the firefighters out there and that there’s not any trouble making lighting along with it. Have a good upcoming Father’s Day!

    • Monte Stevens

      Oh no, you’ve got it too! 🙂 I believe many, if not all of us, reread paragraphs, even pages and chapters then wonder what we just read. Yes, we are wanting the rain and especially those in southwestern Colorado where the fires are burning. I have friends who live just across from Highway 50. I sent them an email but have not heard back. Assuming they have evacuated the area.

  • Cedric Canard

    Your shadow pics are among my favourite Monte.

    As for the rereading bit, yep, guilty too. If I catch myself needing to reread a paragraph or page, I usually put the book down and do something physical for a while. That almost always help. Coffee and a warm cinnamon roll can help too, I’ve found.

    Oh, and if you ever take on Albert’s advice, let me know and be sure to have a Kindle version 😉

    • Monte Stevens

      I’ve put the books down and walked away many times. However, the cinnamon roll sounds like a good option! I’m not a novelist but these journals are my books, letters and diaries. I admire those who write books and are disciplined enough to write every day, like your son. I will shout out if the universe aligns and something I write gets published.