Anthony de Mello,  Black and White,  quotes,  shadows,  window

Waking Up

Morning Shadows and my Desk Lamp
Morning Shadows and my Desk Lamp

“Spirituality means waking up.”

Anthony de Mello

Good morning! Hoping you’re awake. And, if not, then I’ll let you know this is my desk lamp with shadows coming in from my bedroom window. Another one of those surprise scenes that was given just as I was about to leave the house. Had to be awake though.

Seems I have lived most of my life with a thinking cap that believed the best time to start a project and put the work in to move towards finishing the project, was tomorrow. At this stage of life I approach each day with new attitudes and a trust in myself that was missing in the past. I attribute this change to some healthy maturity, some inner work, authors who have helped me, photography, journaling, unclouded thinking, accepting failures as a part of life, finding a spiritual path, putting in the work and chocolate. Having a network of fellow photographers has been essential also. Those of you who follow along on this blog, sharing your insights with me can pat yourselves on the back. I now have on a new thinking cap. Hope you have a great Friday and weekend! 

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Lovely photo and post, Monte. What’s the light without the darkness/shadow and visa versa, huh? Have a great weekend! 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      True, Brooks! As I sit here at one of my coffee shops, I’m watching the sun rise and cast these beautiful shadows and light, We live is such a beautiful world.

  • Cedric Canard

    Ah yes, tomorrow is so enticing is it not? Especially for doing all those pesky chores or difficult projects or for all that wishful thinking. After all, it’s never more than 24 hrs away. Or is it? In reality it’s more like the proverbial carrot-on-the-stick. Each morning I wake up and I find that it’s still today! I am quite sure that tomorrow only exists in some alternate universe.
    And may I say that of all the things you’ve listed as having influenced your new outlook, I think we both know that it was all down to just the chocolate. I mean that stuff is magic 😉

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, the alternate universe of non existence. I like that it us still yoday. There you go again and give me a new perspective. Glad we see that magic in chocolate. This morning as a new barista handed me my mocha and he wanted me to let him know if he put enough chocolate in my mocha. Didn’t know that was possible!