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Found a New Tree

“We must become so alone, so utterly alone, that we withdraw into our innermost self. It is a way of bitter suffering. But then our solitude is overcome, we are no longer alone, for we find that our innermost self is the spirit, that it is God, the indivisible. And suddenly we find ourselves in the midst of the world, yet undisturbed by its multiplicity, for our innermost soul we know ourselves to be one with all being.” Hermann Hesse

I discovered this unique shaped tree this past week while roaming around the area north of Fort Collins. This is an area that I think I’d like to live. It’s not far from town and almost no multi-family building but homes on larger lots, a remnant of the farm life. I could have my small little cottage, solitude, a garden, chickens and enjoy views like this morning and evening. Dreaming. Anyway, just to forewarn you there may be a few more pics of this tree in the future.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.