shadows,  sunrises,  window

Color and Vibrancy

The new vision, since the cataract surgery, is amazing. I now see 20/20 out of both eyes. I do need reading glasses but those are cheap and found almost everywhere. The color difference, the brightness and clarity of the simple everyday things have just been life changing. I became aware a couple years ago of how my condo seemed to not be as bright and airy to as in the past. Now I understand it’s because my sight was deteriorating due to the on coming cataracts. The light of morning sunshine has more color and vibrancy. Enjoy the coming week!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    I can’t even imagine how good it feels to be able to see so well again! Those of us that have it take excellent sight for granted. A gradual deterioration like you experienced is practically imperceptible until it gets bad enough that you (or your doctor) notices it. It will be interesting to see how a change in your perception of color influences your photography.