grass,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes

Praying for peace and forgiveness…

Smooth waters on the Poudre River

It takes courage to forgive someone who has wronged us. Because we are often so caught up in our egos that forgiving seems like losing an egoistic battle. But sometimes we have to take the high road with forgiveness, both for the other person and for our own wellbeing. Sure wish more egos were right sized and forgiveness more acceptable.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye

    It takes a lot of energy to hold on to anger and resentment. Some seem to thrive on it, though. My Mom used to say “If you don’t quit crying, I’ll give you something to cry about.” Ha! The universe does that too. Get caught up in spiteful, angry behavior and the universe will set you straight. Have a good day, Monte!

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes the amount of energy it takes is unbelievable and the self destruction it causes is amazing. I’m also a believer that many of us have a major role in the wrongs people have done to us. If we’re honest we may be the cause. Self reflection is vital. I was taught to forgive when a child but I did not truly practice forgiveness until later in life. Have a super Awesome day, my friend!