clouds,  Essays,  landscape,  Photography,  rants,  sunsets,  Vision,  winter scenes

None of those excuses are true…

Winter evening sunset in eastern Colorado

I am fully aware I do not get out for many nature and landscape images as I have in years past. Maybe, just a season in my life? I can’t point to one specific reason but here are few excuses I’ve used; sloth, age, lack of desire, need a better camera or lens, I’m not good enough, too far to drive or a few other excuses I can conjure up in my mind. Now that I’ve written that it’s obvious I need to have a talk with myself because none of those excuses are true. Gratefully, I’m not beating on myself about this and still taking images focused more on street and documentary.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    You’re still making photos, Monte. It’s the process of seeing not necessarily the subject being seen. And some very fine photos I might add. Have a great weekend!

  • Faye

    I smiled as I read this because I’ve had the same talk with myself. I had more available parks in Georgia, I had an acre of woods that often provided some sort of photo op, I now live on the 5th floor so there aren’t really any shots (except sunrises) up here, and the list goes on. I admonish myself daily for my laziness. And don’t get be started on the dreariness of winter. Lol. Have a great day, Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      I promise not to get you started. 🙂 Glad my post made you smile as that was its purpose. Winter here this morning was clear skies, full moon over the mountains and 12 degrees. Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Tom Dills

    You’re following your heart, Monte. And sometimes the heart doesn’t need to drive for hours or get up before the dawn to find something interesting. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t an occasional pang of longing for what you have done in the past, or that you can’t return to it when the mood moves. You’re going with the flow, and that is good!

  • Joe

    I have moved more to urban landscapes lately and though I still love to get out on our local trails I find that photographically I’ve tapped that vein too often and it’s the city that energizes me now. Because of this new interest I have slacked off on the outdoors/nature areas of my life and have to constantly remind myself that it’s equally important even if it isn’t photographically tempting.

    • Monte Stevens

      That may be the point with me in that I’ve moved on to other “viens” to mine. Our passion in photography does allow us to participate in more than one venue. In fact each of them can help us stretch and grow. In fact, I have some interests in mind that need to be explored. Thanks, Joe.