Cityscapes/Urban,  clouds,  landscape,  rants,  snow,  trees

Saddens me…

Open field at Shields and Stuart.

This is an open lot about two blocks from my condo. I am standing along Shields Street and looking east. I’ve taken a few images of sunrises from this location. However, that will change over the next couple years as they sent notice that they will be building an apartment complex and small convenience store in this field. There are people who call it growth, development, progress, because it is about money to them. I want to call it destruction. Saddens me to see areas like this within the city changed from a natural world to concrete and wood structures surrounded by asphalt!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Cedric

    A very badly written fable to perhaps offer a different perspective 😉
    There was once a similar place to this open field at Shields and Stuart that was changed so as to make way for some condos, one of which houses a being as natural as the trees. And with this home and with the roads that lead to food and clothes and the vehicles that can take him there, this being had time to develop an appreciation and a gratitude for the natural world so deep that he was only a leap of faith away from seeing that nature is all there is, all there was and all there ever will be.

  • Mark

    A story I am all too familiar with in my neck of the woods here in the crowded suburbs of Detroit. If a wooded area isn’t owned by the government or nature conservancy, it is definitely at risk.