fall season,  fog,  frost,  journal,  landscape,  poetic journal,  prairie,  sunrises,  writing/reading


Cold, foggy, and frosty October morning sunrise from 2012

After quiet time, prayer and meditation,
I made a french press of coffee, Heaven’s Blend
by name, then moved outside to sit in the sun.
In the warmth I read from Rilke’s Book of Hours,
and journaled thoughts. I focused on listening to
the sounds of nature, birds, wind, as their words
seem to soothe, heal and nurture me with a balm
rather than the pain brought on by the world’s news.
I think Gratitude is the word for this day.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    Love this photo, Monte. The power line and pole almost feel out of place but add an anchor to the left side. The break in the fence with sun coming through is excellent.

    • Monte Stevens

      I’m not sure I could find this location again. Yes, the telephone pole is not something I would want in the image but that’s what was given me, and it works somehow for me. We awoke to a dusting of snow and 23 degrees. Sure doesn’t seem to be Easter morning.