fall season,  frost,  leaves,  Plants,  poems,  poetic journal,  seasons,  writing/reading

brush strokes of frost

Cottonwood leaves covered in frost – Arapaho Bend Natural Area in 2014

Wintery morning stroll in a world turned white
I love nature’s work of art created in the cold of night
So grateful for these lovely brush strokes of frost


I did not pick up my camera all day. A bit unusual for me. The sun has just set. I feel the need to write a post. So, I sit at my desk. The cold air gathers around my feet as I ask for words to write. I sort through them in the quiet. The furnace turns on. I no longer sit in silence. I stay in my chair awaiting for more words and they are given. This post is simple, nothing eloquent. It’s what I do and my way to reach out to a virtual world of friends. I’ll end with a prayer that you feel the love within you and sleep well.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    There are more days I don’t pick up a camera than days I do. 🙁 Monte, I always feel your posts are genuine regardless of the number of words or their simplicity. As we go into this week of Thanksgiving, under difficult circumstances, let us all have the grace to be still genuinely thankful that we are well, have shelter, have food to eat, and have friends who care about us, virtual or otherwise. Be well and have a good week, my friend.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Earl! I am okay with how much I use my camera and the images I discover. It is another way to see the world, connect with the world and slow my mind down. Therapy. Prayer. Meditation. And, that other good stuff.

      Yes, this holiday season will be different and for some very difficult. I have already told my kids I’ll be celebrating alone. They are okay with that since they know I’m okay with solitude. They are doing much the same. I have much to be grateful for this year and will dwell on these. Hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving I like that word “grace.” Grateful for our friendship!