
How did I get there?

How did I get here?
How did I get there?

Every so often I find myself lost. The funny thing is I do that while sitting at my computer desk. It can start with an email, a blog, reading a forum, someone’s tweet or “googling” a question. Before I know it I’ve clicked this link then that URL and now I’m somewhere out in cyber-space.

While living in Hawaii I took a spin at surfing and found it was not my sport. In fact, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it back to shore. I find surfing the internet much easier and getting back easier, just back to your home page. It’s a world of its own and encompasses the world. The internet provides me with much needed knowledge and several communities. It’s exciting to see a new window open, leading me to another place of exploration, entertainment, and maybe a gold nugget. But, every once in a while I ask the question, “How did I get here?”

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • QPB

    How true it is–and so much cheaper than airfare! I have to watch myself because, if I let myself, I will “travel” for hours on the internet. It can be fascinating and takes me to places I’d otherwise never get to.

    Love the photo.

  • Earl

    The nice thing also about surfing the Internet is you can drop breadcrumbs (bookmarks) so you can find your way back to those place that may hold those gold nuggets. 😉

  • Anita Jesse

    Well, since I can get lost going out the wrong door of a department store, you can guess that being lost is familiar to me. And, yes, while web surfing, I frequently follow one shiny object to the next, and so on until, like you, I am hopelessly and wondefully lost. Fortunately, getting lost in cyberspace is harmless fun and adventure, while being lost in the real world is too stressful to be called fun.

  • Paul

    Recently, it’s been pretty slow at work, so I’ve been doing a lot of surfing and trying to find the ‘end’ of the Internet. It just seems to keep going and going and going! 🙂