architecture,  Black and White,  Photography,  shadows,  window

I have a feeling…

Morning light entering my bedroom, casting shadows across the wall.
I see this almost daily and never tire of it.

          I have a feeling
                   That through the hole in reason’s ceiling,
          In Heaven you can perch,
                  Without ever going to church!

Courtney Milne

I really did not know about Courtney Milne until this past week. I am impressed with his photography. I was also surprised to find he has published 12 books from the conventional to the abstract. One source I read says his photos are a celebration of the world’s “sacred places,” and a seemingly endless meditation on the beauty of the natural world. Sounds like my kind of photographer. Why didn’t someone tell me about his work? One of his best-selling books is Sacred Earth, which I just ordered a used copy of. Seeing his books makes me realize how little a collection I have of other photographers books.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.