coffee shops

Coffee in Hand

Coffee in Hand

Some people start their day with a cup of coffee (or two.) Some need it just to get started, and some make it a morning ritual, and then some do both. I drink the unleaded stuff so a caffeine fix is not needed, leaving me with the ritual. I very seldom drink brewed coffee but prefer the latte/cappuccino style espresso drinks. This tradition had been a part of my life for several years after my youngest daughter introduced them to me. I enjoy making then at home or going out to a local coffee shop. These local shops have a small community of followers and I happen to be part of it. Most of them are accustomed to my antics of grabbing my camera so I can take a photo of their cup or their hands or muffin or their book or their …….

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Either this is a small expresso cup or this person has huge hands. 😉

    Monte, as I’ve said before, I enjoy these everyday shots and applaud your originality in seeing the potential and capturing them.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, for the compliment Earl. That seems to be my focus, the close proximity of the world around me. Yes, the cup is called a demitasse cup and holds up to 2 espresso shots and he does have large hands.

  • Don

    I agree with Earl, very original.

    When I was a cop me and my partners drank coffee all the time. Then I noticed as I got older, the new kids coming on the job, drank soda in the morning to get their ZIP!!!

  • Paul

    I was going to make the same comment that Earl did. That cup seems absolutely dwarfed in his hand. I’m with you about the power drinks. If I drink two Diet Cokes, my teeth are chattering. Looking at the caffeine content of those so-called energy drinks sets my teeth to chattering just thinking about it.