
Edge of the Pond

Edge of the Pond

Here is an observation of my photography I’ve notice over the past few weeks. It seems my photographers eye has evolved over the last three years and my approach to my images has moved in a different direction. Some of this change is due to the equipment I have decided to use. I carry a small prime 35mm lens rather than a large zoom. With the faster prime I can create some interesting images with the shallow depth of field, bringing more focus to my subjects. Also, the faster lens allows me to work better in situations where I have less light. It is less intrusive to subjects and in some conditions is not even noticed.

And, some is due to the environment I shoot in. My work places me in metropolitan areas without transportation so I walk a lot. Therefore the wide open landscapes, such as my sunrises and sunsets, are almost non-existent. If I look at the sunrises and sunsets taken in the past three years, they are taken from a different perspective than I had back in Colorado. There is also a greater challenge to shoot images that do not have the footprint of man. So what I look for in images has changed. An example is the above image taken in Savannah in back of our hotel. It is a holding pond surrounded by other hotels and businesses. I love the lighting but needed to take a bit more care to eliminate the foot print of man.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.