Photography,  Plants

Looking back


I do have a lot of images in my archives and am tempted to delete them and save disc space. However, before I deleted them I spent some time looking at the images I passed over asking myself several questions. What was there about the image I did not like? Did I expose it properly? How as the composition, the background? What could I do next time to improve it? And, what could I do now with the knowledge I’ve gained with software such as Lightroom and Photoshop Elements, that will improve what I’ve already got? It turned out to be a good exercise and was fun to experiment with Lightroom. this is one from the past. I cropped the image, adjusted the contrast, brush a bit more detail in the petals and posted it.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Anita Jesse

    Oh, I miss these. Left behind in our garden in the San Fernando Valley. They wouldn’t survive up here in the mountains.Thank you for posting this beautiful reminder.

    Going back over old files periodically certainly can turn up some nice treasures. As you mention, our skills grow and, sometimes, we are finally able to bring out what we saw when we took the picture. I look forward to seeing more lovely photos that you pull back from the brink of annihilation.

    • Monte Stevens

      I love your comments, Anita. They uplift me. Yes, I’ve learned to keep more images because I may have a good one in there that I’ve missed. In fact I really regret not keeping the images from the past. How many good ones did I send to the trash?

  • alancollopyphoto


    I really enjoy this image. The colors are beautiful. Very colorful, yet soft.
    I don’t usually shoot flowers or plants, but I really enjoy seeing images like these, and the reminder that Spring, and Summer is upon us.
    Great photo Monte, thank you.


    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Alan. Yes, Spring is here and such a wonderful time to be outside rather than an office cube. When I think about it, you don’t post many images of flowers but plenty of the seaside coastal scenes. I don’t have opportunity to shoot them so I’ll enjoy yours.

  • Ann

    I think that it was your time well spent reviewing old images, it certainly helps with the learning curve! Lightroom is such a simple, versatile and effective tool.
    I really like these tiny flowers, never seem them over here.