Art,  quotes,  Sculpture

Hear the Teachings

Loveland Sculpture Park – 2012

I have no right to call myself one who knows. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I’m beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me.

Hermann Hesse

I’ve had difficulty over the past few months of staying within the pages of books. I found myself losing interest after a few pages and noticing the need to reread paragraphs. I enjoy reading books for the knowledge gained from them and their ability to transform me with some planted seed. I realized that there has been a lot going on in my life that is distracting which has brought on lifestyle changes. However, I believe that the books we read are not the only tool for transformation because there is a teacher within all of us when we look for it. So, maybe I no longer need to seek in the stars or in books but turn inward to hear the teachings. 

Met with the hematologist today and cancer is ruled out from the bone marrow biopsy. We just need to work on increasing my iron to bring up those platelet numbers. Hoping you enjoyed your day!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Bonnie Moore

    Earl and I were just discussing touching base with you to see how you’re doing! Thanks for the update on the bone marrow biopsy and big sigh of relief on those results.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes it was a big sigh! The low platelet numbers have been worry for me since December. Once we had the four iron infusions and those numbers came up he has been happy with it. If the numbers were below 30 rather than 64 then he would worry. Now to eat healthier and exercise better. Grateful for friends who care and are so far away!!!!

    • Monte Stevens

      As Bonnie says, a big sigh of relief. Much more attuned to listening to my body rather than shrugging it as old age. More blog posts and photos to come.

  • Mark

    That’s great news indeed.

    I don’t know what it is, but I’ve had a hard time with books for a while now. Difficult to keep focus and especially retention, quite the opposite of my wife who consumes them voraciously! For better or worse then, I either find myself wanting to be outside looking at things (perhaps the better part), or unfortunately in front of the TV.

  • Tom Dills

    I love to read, but like you mentioned and Mark indicated, I have an especially difficult time keeping my attention focused on the text. I’ve never been good at reading for comprehension, but for some reason it has gotten to be more of an issue. And I consider myself someone who is not easily distracted!

    Pertaining to the quote, while there is plenty of knowledge to be found in books, how we apply that knowledge is the important thing.

    Very glad to hear of your excellent test results! Keep that good news coming!