
Here and Now

Chain and Lock

Sabrina Henry has a good read about our journeys here. I made a comment about a t-shirt I have that says, “The destiny is the journey”, which I understand and believe. In reading a book by Steve Hagen on Buddhism he talks about the Buddhist journey as one that must go nowhere – neither in or out. He states it is a journey into nearness. A journey to be awaken to the here and now, to awaken “to” the here and now, which I also understand and believe.

After taking a walk this afternoon I saw for the first time this chain and lock. It’s always been there as long as I can remember. I’ve had to walk around it every time I headed to the overpass. But, today I really saw it. And, as soon as I saw it I knew how I wanted to shoot it. I took two shots, knowing I had the image I wanted. This image will not change the world or make it into any magazine but it demonstrated to me I’m on my journey, at my destination, awakening to the here and now.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.