insects,  Photography

Images that move us…

Daddy Longlegs

Who needs an expensive DSLR camera, three lens, eight camera bags, three filters, and a carbon tripod? 🙂 Why not pull the cell phone out of our pocket, take the photo, tweak it a bit in the iphone PS app, upload it to your blog and viola, the days post is done.

Yes, I’ve done that because I’m a photographer and when a scene presents itself we need to take the photo. This may work in a pinch but there is something about the process involved in working a scene that the above scenario falls short. I’m only talking for myself but I need the experience of looking through the viewfinder, envisioning, composing, waiting and then pressing the shutter. A photographer takes photos because they have to, just as writers write. We work through our process to create the images that move us.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul

    Though I really like the process, I am in that camp of just having to take the picture, regardless. The last 5 of 6 posts on my blog have all be with the cell phone camera. I find that I am taking photos with that camera every day that I go for a walk. It’s small, convenient, and I can have it in my pocket and take it out when the mood suits me. I love the simplicity of it.

    • Monte Stevens

      Simplicity is a good word, Paul. I imagine if we did not tell people what we were using they’d never know, nor do they need to. I wonder sometimes if I become too much of an equipment geek when I wonder what lens they used or if they added light or if they photoshopped it.

  • Earl

    Monte, I’ve seen some excellent cell phone photography, including this one and some which Paul has posted. As a viewer if it’s a good photo, it’s a good photo, no matter how or with what it was created.

    But what looks good on the web may not translate well to larger sizes and prints.

    As a photographer I do enjoy the addition control a D-SLR provides and there are limitations with a cell phone camera.

    Yet, things keep changing and improving, as with the camera/software in the new iPhone 4, so restrictions today may not exist tomorrow. Change…do it or die. 😉

    • Monte Stevens

      Sorry, Earl, but this was taken with my D300 and a 105mm. It was the best I got out of 15 shots taken with a slight breeze and a constantly moving subject. Maybe I should have used my cell phone. 🙂 I have also seen some awesome images taken with our point and shoots, such as yours.

      I also agree, even though the above image was taken with the D300 it’s not one to be printed. LOL

      I suppose each time I press the shutter, on any camera, I am practicing a craft I truly enjoy.