fountain pens,  journal,  writing/reading

This is not unusual…

It’s approximately a 40 foot walk from my front door to my car. This morning I had a half dozen thoughts racing through my head and at least two conversations by the time I reached the car. This is not unusual. Nor do I want these thoughts to go away, they are part of my humanity. However, what I desire is to let them pass on, allowing me to stay present to this world I am a part of. On those mornings when I do stay present, letting those thoughts pass on, I receive the gifts offered in being awake. When that happens I notice the squirrel hanging upside down on the tree, their eyes silently fixed on me. Or maybe I notice the small dew-drop globes of the spider’s web reflecting the morning sunlight. Or I notice the multicolored leaves-of-fall blanketing the grass. And, if I listen I can hear the jeers and clicks of a nearby blue jay. Those mornings when I stay present are so much more enjoyable to me. Today was not one of them. However, I think I was much more present to the mocha latte.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Would staying present in the moment be as exhilarating if we could do it all the time without effort? Perhaps the effort makes the attainment a little bit “sweeter.” I recently read that happiness is in the pursuit of happiness and not any one thing, achievement or goal. There is probably some truth there.

    • Monte Stevens

      What a wonderful question to ask. Yes, my experience has shown the effort and the pursuit are the joy of this life rather than any achievement or goal. I really like how I struggle to express something, that cannot really be articulated, then you say in a lovely way. Thank you, my friend! Have a great day!