leaves,  quotes

Holy Leaves

It is in the darkest nights of our souls, when all we know is that we know nothing, that the presence of the sacred may quietly well up, mingling with our pain and connecting us to a love that will never die.

Mirabai Starr

There is something enjoyable about walking among trees while they drop their leaves on me and around me, whether in a local park, a natural area or my neighborhood. Next time you experience that just close your eyes, allow the trees to bless you with their holy leaves. It may be an opportunity to experience the presence of the sacred. More photos of leaves to come.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    During meditation sessions, focusing on your breathing is common – the slow inhale of air, a short pause, and then the slow exhale. With each exhale, you may feel a sense of release and relaxation, letting go of any tension and stress. For me, the season of fall feels just like that exhale. That realization just came to me while reading your post this morning. Thank you for that!

    A little bolder on the content font, I see. 😉

  • Faye White

    Autumn leaf collages are always fascinating. Nature throws them all around, willy-nilly, and yet they’re perfectly arranged. Lovely.

    • Monte Stevens

      I have for some time felt the so-called chaos of nature is true art. It’s unsettling to me anymore to a yard that is almost perfect in the location of flower, trees, and shrubs.