quotes,  reflections,  spirituality,  sunsets

A question to ponder

If we ever want to be happy, then, we need to move beyond the level of simple material satisfaction to the development of the spiritual dimension of what it means to be human. We not only need to find out what we do best and do it to the utmost. We also need to ask ourselves again why we were born. What is it that we have that the world needs and is waiting for us to provide?

Joan Chittister

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Finding out what makes one happy can be a lifelong journey…spoken as one who’s walked the long and dusty trail. Sometimes, I think it might be a moving target that evolves as we grow and accumulate experiences—there are no small questions in that quote. I am still learning.

    Monte, I love this photo. Beautiful!

    • Monte Stevens

      Having that is a lifetime journey is really the adventurer. And we cannot reject the idea that it may be a multiple of things that we do. And like you I am learning also. I like this photograph too.

  • Faye White

    I equate happy with joy and joy is a more rare state. If asked if I am happy I’d probably say that I am content. I’m leery of people who say they are always happy.

    • Monte Stevens

      I’m probably still in the process of coming to terms with what joy is and what happiness is. I have experienced both. I apologize for not responding to this comment earlier, for some reason I just seem to skip right over it. Hope you are staying warm.
      As I have spent the time looking at this image, I am drawn to it more and more. It is becoming one of my favorite images.

  • Mark

    I struggle to define it. Do momentary events that are enjoyable make one happy? Is it simply a state of contentment or comfort? How long should such a feeling last to qualify?

    Beautiful image though, worthy of a lot of exploration.