fall season,  leaves

Remind me of me

Taken while waiting for the bus.

I would say that 80-90% of the leaves have let go of the mother tree and moved on to the next phase of life. And, every year I’m intrigued from a photographer’s perspective to see the few leaves who seem to want to hold on. Maybe it’s because they remind me of me. They remind me of my tendency to hang on when letting go of my unhealthy habits, traits, and thinking was a better option. Hard lessons have taught me that letting go allows us to experience new adventures in life. I would say that at this Fall Season of my life I am learning to let go and live the next phase of life. Truly, it has become an adventure! 

We are cold at 23 degrees. Took the bus to campus and now sipping on a mocha at the Lory Student Center. Have a wonderful Friday!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.