Metro Parks

Peaceful Place


I had not been to Inniswood Gardens in weeks and sure did miss it. I’m finding these Metro parks are vital to me. As I stepped out the car, I immediately felt a settling of my mind and realized just how long it had been since my last visit. Within the park there are so many places to snuggle into and call yours. They have placed benches and gazebos in different places throughout the park just for you. The birds and squirrels like to entertain you with their songs and antics as they enjoy life. So, my time there was peaceful.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • QPB (Mary Ann)

    Very nice to have a place such as this. Thanks for sharing. Its good to know there are pockets of peace possible wherever we go. Have a good weekend, Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, it is nice having them near me. I really would be in a better place emotionally and spiritually if I spent more time there. And, I do hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.

  • Earl

    This certainly looks like a place I would enjoy. I’d be lost without the local parks to visit, walk, sit and photograph in. I hope you have a great weekend my friend!

  • Jim | SpinView

    Just took my first trip to the Denver Botanic gardens. Unfortunately, I left my camera’s battery in the charger back home, so I was left to explore the place with nothing to capture it except my eyes and my memory. And that was okay, too! I definitely understand your comments about these kinds of places bringing a sense of peace and balance.

    • Monte Stevens

      I don’t remember that last time I visited the Denver Botanical Gardens or if I ever have. That will be on my list when I get back to Colorado. I always carry a spare battery for my camera, just for those cases I screw up. Have a great weekend.

    • Monte Stevens

      These gardens, there are 12 of these Metro Gardens within the city, are my haven. I walk the trails, listen to the birds sing to me, and find one of the benches and park my rump for a while. I enjoy journaling here. The day I took this the garden was loaded with portrait photographers shooting senior photos. Wasn’t quite as peaceful as usual.